KUALA LUMPUR: It is with great pleasure that we announce the much-anticipated inaugural MALAYSIA TOP ACHIEVERS 2022 which will be organised by The Leaders Online and co- organised by My Events International Sdn Bhd. The event is scheduled to be held at Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 31st March 2022.

The Malaysia Top Achievers 2022 is presented to honour the successful and outstanding performances of top achievers in Malaysia. It is expected to be one of the most dynamic and inspirational events of the year, unfolding and recognising top achievers in Malaysia that have contributed tremendous devotions towards the prosperity of the economy in the region.

This prestigious event is conceptualised by a team of global professionals, to recognise the achievements of the leaders across all sectors in Malaysia and to honour their great contributions towards the economic and nation building development that had brought them and their establishments to superb decrees of achievements. These acknowledgements will also foster motivation to other leaders to take the extra miles in nurturing a more promising future.

Gracing the award dinner was guest of honour Yang Berhormat Dato' indera Mohd Shahar bin Abdullah, the Deputy Minister of Finance I and Yang Berhorrmat Senator Dato' Dr. Ahmad Masrizal Muhammad, the Deputy Minister of Higher Educations. Armong the other dignitaries at the star-studded night were Ms Hema Kandy, Organising Chairmast o Molaysia Top Achievers 2022.

Said the organising chairman, Ms Hema Kandy, "No one will disagree that Excellence is never an accident. It is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and vision to see obstacles as opportunities."
"Yet, amid to the crisis and dealing with uncertainty, these leaders in front of us today have proven us that they able to reach their establishments to superb decrees of achievements.", she added.
Achievements in around 28 categories were recognised and honoured. Some of the distinctive awards of the night included: Icon of The Year, Masterclass Woman Achiever of The Year and Entrepreneur of The Year are among the prominent and the highlight awards categories for the event.

The official partners of the Malaysia Top Achievers 2022 were Kenaf Venture Global Sdn Bhd as Platinum Partner, Widad Business Group as Gold Partner and the Official Madia Partner is SkyBlue Media.

YB Senator Dato' Dr. Ahmad Masrizal Muhammad clearly stated that, "we all have an Important role to have some depth of perception and understanding of tne country's education development to prepare them as future leaders. For the sake of the new generation and Keluarga Malaysia, let's light up our tomorrow together with our today's hardwork!"

He also added "These top achievers and leaders have an important role to contribute as responsible citizens and heads of businesses. Simly put, they have a duty to serve, for the wellbeing of our countries and our businesses."
For more information of the event, please visit www

The Malaysia Top Achievers 2022 is presented to honour the successful and outstanding performances of top achievers in Malaysia. It is expected to be one of the most dynamic and inspirational events of the year, unfolding and recognising top achievers in Malaysia that have contributed tremendous devotions towards the prosperity of the economy in the region.

This prestigious event is conceptualised by a team of global professionals, to recognise the achievements of the leaders across all sectors in Malaysia and to honour their great contributions towards the economic and nation building development that had brought them and their establishments to superb decrees of achievements. These acknowledgements will also foster motivation to other leaders to take the extra miles in nurturing a more promising future.

Gracing the award dinner was guest of honour Yang Berhormat Dato' indera Mohd Shahar bin Abdullah, the Deputy Minister of Finance I and Yang Berhorrmat Senator Dato' Dr. Ahmad Masrizal Muhammad, the Deputy Minister of Higher Educations. Armong the other dignitaries at the star-studded night were Ms Hema Kandy, Organising Chairmast o Molaysia Top Achievers 2022.

Said the organising chairman, Ms Hema Kandy, "No one will disagree that Excellence is never an accident. It is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and vision to see obstacles as opportunities."
"Yet, amid to the crisis and dealing with uncertainty, these leaders in front of us today have proven us that they able to reach their establishments to superb decrees of achievements.", she added.
Achievements in around 28 categories were recognised and honoured. Some of the distinctive awards of the night included: Icon of The Year, Masterclass Woman Achiever of The Year and Entrepreneur of The Year are among the prominent and the highlight awards categories for the event.

"Malaysia is attempting to enhance inclusive development by expanding micro, small, and medium businesses, as well as improving human capital development and digitalisation." quoted by YB Dato' Indera Mohd Shahar bin Abdullah.
"Tonight, after 2 years, Malaysia Top Achievers is back again to celebrate these exceptional breeds of successful men and women and their triumphant stories. They, whom proven to all of us their capability to lead their businesses, community and country despite the terrible pandemic." YB Dato' Indera Mohd Shahar added.

"Tonight, after 2 years, Malaysia Top Achievers is back again to celebrate these exceptional breeds of successful men and women and their triumphant stories. They, whom proven to all of us their capability to lead their businesses, community and country despite the terrible pandemic." YB Dato' Indera Mohd Shahar added.

The official partners of the Malaysia Top Achievers 2022 were Kenaf Venture Global Sdn Bhd as Platinum Partner, Widad Business Group as Gold Partner and the Official Madia Partner is SkyBlue Media.

YB Senator Dato' Dr. Ahmad Masrizal Muhammad clearly stated that, "we all have an Important role to have some depth of perception and understanding of tne country's education development to prepare them as future leaders. For the sake of the new generation and Keluarga Malaysia, let's light up our tomorrow together with our today's hardwork!"

He also added "These top achievers and leaders have an important role to contribute as responsible citizens and heads of businesses. Simly put, they have a duty to serve, for the wellbeing of our countries and our businesses."
For more information of the event, please visit www