1st WORLD ISLAMIC TOURISM AWARD ( WITA ) 2023 Recognition to those who have contributed to the success in Islamic Travel Industry.
World Islamic Tourism Award ( WITA ) 2023 is the first award and the most prestigious awards in Islamic Tourism in conjunction with Asia Hajj , Umrah & Islamic Tourism Conference and Exhibition (AITEX 2023).

The objective of the award is to acknowledge , celebrate excellence products and services rendered by Islamic Tourism Heroes and across all sectors I travel and tourism hospitality . According to Dato ' Noor Zaleha Baharudin , Organising Chairman of WITA the award is also given in recognition to those who have contributed to the success in Islamic Travel Industry.

" The recipients of this award have been carefully selected by adhering to standard compliance set by the WITA selecting panel who themselves each have more then 30 years experienced in tourism industry , " said Dato ' Noor Zaleha Baharudin .

The significant of WITA held in Malaysia is in the relation to this country which was awarded as " Top Spot As The Preferred Halal Tourist Destination " by Master Card - Cresent Rating Global Muslim Index ( GMTI ) 2022 . This first WITA will definately inspires global Islamic tourism players to work harder for their effort will be highly recognise in the next year WITA and years onwards .

" Lastly as the Head of WITA organizing committee once again I congratulate those Islamic Tourism Heroes who been honored receiving this most prestigious award , " said Dato ' Noor Zaleha Baharudin